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Hi, I’m Master Paul

Master Paul Mitchell is an inspirational leader who founded United Taekwondo with the purpose of Building People Not Fighters. His journey started in 1978 when he first joined a local taekwondo club down the road from where he lived. Through the guidance and support of his instructor and closest friend Cliff Leader, he has taken taekwondo to a new level – but not before he hit rock bottom.


In 2006, after 27 years’ dedication to one martial arts style and being promoted to regional instructor overseeing nine locations with 300 members, he was handed a letter from his then Master Instructor that said, ‘You are nothing to me’ and kicked out of taekwondo. At the same time, he did not get a well-deserved promotion at work and his mum passed away after suffering dementia for eight years. In the end he was left with one centre and 30 members. To him, that was his rock bottom. But rock bottom can be a great foundation for rebuilding yourself. Before his father passed away in 1994, he left him with some powerful words:


‘Life may test you, challenge you, shake you or break you, but how strong you stand will make you. Always stand strong.’

Master Paul started United Taekwondo and said to the other branch instructors, ‘If you want to stand strong by my side, together we can build an organisation where bullying is not tolerated or accepted.’ Over the next two months, seven branch instructors and 225 students decided to follow his guidance and support and joined United Taekwondo. With the assistance of an incredible group of instructors who have been supporting him from day one, Master Paul has grown United Taekwondo to over 35 locations with 1500 members and along with school programs teaches over 2000 students every week.

Also in 2006, Master Paul and a team of dedicated instructors registered as Active After-School Communities Coaches. Over the next eight years his organisation taught at 250 locations with over 7,000 children becoming involved in martial arts activities. At the end of the program in 2014, Master Paul was selected as best coach by the Australian Sports Commission, out of 3500 coaches in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

Over the years Master Paul has been nominated for many awards including Australian of the Year 2006 and 2018, Pride of Australia Medal 2009 and Citizen of the Year Campbelltown 2009. United Taekwondo has been selected several times as best fitness business at local business awards and at the National Business Awards won both Best Education Service 2010 and Best Fitness Business 2018. In the martial arts arena Master Paul represented New South Wales at a national level and received two second, third and fourth placings over four years. He has helped other students compete, with one individual achieving seven National Titles.

In 2018, Master Paul read a report produced by the Alannah and Madeline Foundation called “The economic cost of bullying in Australian schools”. Basically, the report spells out that there are approximately 1 million recorded incidents of bullying each week in our school system. From that day forward he has passionately shared his dream of reducing bullying to a manageable level. Now with this book, Master Paul wants to take his message to the world and have everyone understand that the reason children treat each other the way they do is because it is in their programming. Master Paul’s unique method of placing children into a state of listening and learning and sharing an inspirational story reprograms children to help, include and support one another. Over the years of implementing this unique method of teaching, there has been an unofficial reduction in bullying of up to 70 per cent in local Sydney schools where his program has been conducted.

As he mentioned in his introduction at the beginning of the book, ‘All it takes is one person to believe in a young person for them to achieve their dreams.’ Honestly, look at what Master Paul has accomplished in such a short time. He believes that if more people take up the challenge of learning something new, becoming competent in their chosen field and sharing their knowledge and experience with the purpose of helping another person achieve at levels way beyond their imagination, we will one day live in a world full of love and support for each other.

‘There are very few people on the planet who can match Master Paul’s passion, integrity and commitment. He is absolutely driven by helping others, parents and children alike, to become the best versions of themselves. A wonderful storyteller, a man of action and caring and compassionate human being. I have absolute respect and admiration for Master Paul’


‘United Taekwondo came to our school at the end of last year and gave every child in the school a wonderful workshop. The delivery was exciting and kept the students engaged and enthused for their sessions.’

— Kim Darcy, Principal Duffy Primary School, Canberra, ACT.

‘The course focussed on Taekwondo activities with a student welfare theme of co-operation, raising self-esteem, self-confidence and anti-bullying. The course and activities were well received and very popular with the students enthusiastically taking part each week.’

— Greg Homer, Principal Cobbitty Public School, Sydney, NSW.

‘Mr. Paul Mitchell, Master Instructor of United Taekwondo, came along to the school for 5 weekly taekwondo lessons. He structured his lessons to include explicit instruction on anti bullying strategies. Every student in the group is encouraged to do their best, they are praised and work as part of a team.’

— Gail Sadlier, Deputy Principal Carlton Public School, Sydney, NSW.

‘Master Paul’s messages each week are about building resilience, kindness and the strength of the team. He’s fostering pride, confidence and the importance of looking after each other. So proud of our students for wholeheartedly embracing these sessions.’

— Lugarno Public School

‘Students were challenged and motivated to reach beyond their accepted boundaries. The students’ abilities were greatly improved, I can recommend Paul Mitchell and United Taekwondo as a professional and educationally worthwhile experience for students.’

— George Shuter, PDHPE Faculty Head, Macarthur Anglican School, Sydney, NSW.

‘Paul has developed innovative strategies when working with children and does a fantastic job of maintaining children’s interest in order for them to develop the skills of Martial Arts.’

— Stephanie O’Brien, Regional Coordinator, Australian Sports Commission

‘My son and I met you at the grading today in Tamworth. Taking the 2 mins to talk to him about “nerves & excitement” made all the difference. All day he’s been talking about it & about how much he’s going to practice so next time he sees you; he can show you how much better he has gotten. I cannot thank you enough Master Paul.’

— James Wykes

‘Just a few short years ago this kid received a copy of Master Paul Mitchell's book which in her words "changed my life". From being belittled through bullying at school to feeling strong, confident and happy. Thank you, Master Paul we have received your package, with great delight and looking forward to sharing your message of love, integrity and inner strength.’

— Kerry A Grace

’Medals last week & Green tip this week.... love watching my littlest princess shine Master Paul Mitchell thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing my princess she can do this and always has her taekwondo family behind her.’

— Christine White

‘I wanted to thank you Master Paul for taking the time to ensure a 6 year old’s grandparents were included in the Canberra grading experience and then taking the time to meet them. Now to get my 73-year-old dad to start training with us. I’m proud to be training with United TKD.’

— Alice Brentnall

‘I think you might be the lovely man who helped us. My dad has early onset dementia (he’s 62) and is losing his mobility. It’s progressing quite quickly. I can never thank you enough for your help. It may only seem like a small thing you’ve done but for myself and my nana (and dad) it was so much more. Nowadays people just sit and judge from a distance and don’t often help but not you. I truly appreciate your help. Thank you again.’

— Patron The Bradbury Hotel

Dear Master Paul, thank you for all your support and assistance and really making James believe in himself and reaching a milestone in TKD. Looking forward to the next chapter in this amazing story. Much appreciated.’

— George and Joanne Leontsinis

‘It is definitely the most respectful, caring and nurturing environment for any child or adult to be in.’

— Scott Elson

We are so happy Alyce has joined United Taekwondo. Alyce has shown so much more confidence, strength and belief in herself. We are very grateful, thank you.

— Yvonne & Ryan


Every week I’m going to give away a copy of one of my books. All you need to do to go into the draw is put your details in the box below. If you win, it will appear in your mailbox. Simple as that!